Year 74


1974 was the year I came into this world. That year holds no more significance for me unless I google "significant events for 1974" or something like that. I won't do that since I'm not that learned and I'm not going to pretend I am. I'm sure a lot of important events happened that year, but for me, my birth, was it. 

For a long time now, I've been thinking about having some form of "permanent" way to record my thoughts in a way where they're easy to find. I can't think of anything easier than a blog, at least currently. As far as permanence, well, I guess time will tell. Who knows. 

The idea is that, when I'm gone, those who know me, i.e. my kids and family, will have a way to "connect" to me in some way. I'm no writer or poet, but I hope that the little I do share with my writing goes a long way into sharing who I am after I'm gone. I know that if I had a blog written by any of my grandparents, who are long gone, I would treasure whatever it is they deemed important enough to record. Unfortunately, that does not exist. 

It's always tricky trying to nail down just how much to share in something that is accessible to pretty much anyone, but it's that facility to do it that makes it compelling. I guess we'll have to walk that fine line for every step going forward.


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